Rep The Box @ CrossFit Currie Barracks

Other than the 2015 CrossFit Games Open, I think this was my first real CF competition. Yay me! Of course it was all in good fun.  There was A LOT of trash talking involved in the Facebook group beforehand.


Rep The Box is a little two day competition that my gym’s owners’ created, pitting their two boxes against each other: Currie Barracks vs. Sunalta. Each gym has a turn to host, so yesterday was Currie’s turn.

There were several individual events, and a couple team events that everyone got to participate in. A twist to the competition  is that you get to pick your three individual events. The events were:

  1. 2 RM front squat
  2. 250 m row
  3. 6 min AMRAP: 15 wall balls / 15 box jumps
  4. 1 RM push press
  5. Team shuttle run relay
  6. Burpee ladder: 10 burpees, 5 kettle bell swings (KBS), 9 burpees, 5 KBS, … Down to 1 burpee
  7. 3 RM touch-and-go deadlifts
  8. Team beer chug
  9. Team pictiomary
  10. Team tug of war

I decided to do the front squat, burpee ladder, and deadlifts. Hey, if I can play to my strengths I will!

We had 10 minutes to work to our two rep max. I aimed for 140# because that was my current one rep max, but then surprised myself by hitting 150#.

I forgot to ask Dana to take my picture squatting so he took this one instead.


I had a bit of a break before my next event, but I had a lot of fun cheering for my other Sunalta teammates.  [Brace yourself – many blurry images ahead.  Because we were all moving so fast, clearly.]

Meg killing the box jump/wall ball AMRAP

Up next for me: burpee ladder. As a short person, I don’t dread burpees that much. I did the ladder with no breaks, watching Emily Abbott out of the corner of my eye. Of course she beat me, but not by much. 4:33 and I only hated it a bit in the middle.  

 We had 10 minutes after the burpees to warm up our deadlifts. I was seeing stars a bit after my quick burpee WOD.  Note to self: eat snacks between WODs.

 My one rep max was previously 210#, but I managed to do three touch-and-go reps yesterday! So I guess I’m stronger than I thought? I was lucky to have a big cheering section to push me.

The rest of the team events were fun. Currie Barracks won, but only by one event (home turf advantage?).  Sunalta will triumph next month!  It was a great little event and I can’t wait until next month when Sunalta hosts.  

And last night I signed up for Battle in the Barracks so… safe to say I #drankthekoolaid.  It’s a two day competition in December with about one hundred athletes partaking.  Since its inception a few years ago, I’ve been dying to sign up but was afraid of not being strong/fast/good enough.  But I’ve done enough waiting, and I’m very excited to compete now!  Time to train up!

7 thoughts on “Rep The Box @ CrossFit Currie Barracks

  1. Awesome Honey!!! Wish that we could of been there to cheer you on!! You look very impressive in the pictures, along with your bud Meg😃


  2. Pingback: WOD Wednesday on a Thursday | Peanut Butter Kait

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  4. Pingback: Nemeses: Snatches & Double Unders | Peanut Butter Kait

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  6. Nice article. Thanks for sharing. Exercise is the key of health fitness. Hanging is so difficult but for keeping fit our body and minds we have to do exercise like pull up & push up. But now a day’s people become busy so they do not get enough time to go gym. If they like to live healthy, then they must be to gym center. Personally i have no time to go gym so i make my gym at my home. I buy a pull up bar, which i setup in my door frame and exercise, this way i keep my health fit. Thanks


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